Top 9 brain foods for studying

Examinations- the most stressful and important phase in the life of students

It has been scientifically proven that eating the right foods not only keeps one healthy but also
promotes and fosters academic performance which helps achieve educational goals. Research has
shown that certain foods have proven important for brain health and promoting mental
performance. Here are the top 9 brain foods for studying:

1. Berries

Rich in a variety of compounds including anthocyanins, that help enhance
mental performance. Berries including blueberries, strawberries and blackberries have
proven to positively affect brain function.

2. Citrus fruits

Rich in flavonoids and highly nutritious. They help promote learning and memory as well as protect nerve cells from injury. Fruits like oranges and grapefruit help improve mental performance and improve overall brain function.

3. Dark chocolate and cocoa

Consuming flavonoid – rich cocoa products may favourably affect the brain health. It helps increase blood flow to the brain and improve memory and reaction time.

4. Nuts


These are concentrated sources of healthy fat, protein and fibre which are essential
for brain health, including vitamin E and zinc. Eating nuts may help improve overall mental

5. Eggs


Consuming whole eggs boosts the brain health due to the concentration of certain
nutrients that include vitamin B12. Choline and selenium found within the yolk which
potential brain function benefits

6. Avocados


Termed as convenient study snack which helps boost brain function, they are a rich source of carotenoid. 

7. Fish

Consuming nitrate rich beets and beet products has been associated with
improvements in brain function. Studies have linked beet juice consumption to improved
performances in tests and exams.

8. Beets

Consuming nitrate rich beets and beet products has been associated with improvements in brain function. Studies have linked beet juice consumption to improved performances in tests and exams.

9. Red, green, and orange veggies

Vegetable intake increases brain function and promotes overall health. They are high in carotenoid and help improve one’s overall nutrient intake and foster brain health.

When studying for examinations, excellent nutrition typically falls to the bottom of the priority
list. A long exam, on the other hand, is like a mental marathon in which stamina is essential. The
appropriate diet and drink can energize your system, boost your attentiveness, and keep you
going during extended exam periods. The incorrect nutritional choices, on the other hand, can
make you feel lethargic and anxious. Keeping the previously stated healthy food in mind will
assist you in eating your way to success!

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